Monday, February 9, 2009

Examination Explosion

What the?! of the things that I usually hate. You need to study hard in order to get good grades, but my head is full of unwanted topics that won't go away. So instead I just spend time with my friends.

Speaking of studies, I really try hard to make good posts here in my blog. I try to read books which pump juice in my brain and give me some hot topics to discuss on the web. Books are really the case when you want to have knowledge but basically it's also experience that makes you get into it.

Better get your brains working and read, read, and read until your brains explode...just kidding. Even though I'm already turning 20 this year. Hehehe, just enjoy your time.

A few days ago, I just thought of taking a photo of a webcam and and cellphone...I'll try to make a post in here. I'm still sick these days and my cough just won't wear out so I decided to take medicine and wait for a few days until I recover.

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